Auctions » 2017 Auctions » Salon Oriana (Estimated Value: $125)
Salon Oriana (Estimated Value: $125)
Ended at: 2657 days 21 hours 4 minutes 48 seconds ago
$65.00 USD

This auction has been sold to ashleysaar at $65.00 USD.
This gift package includes a $50 gift certificate to Salon Oriana (7819 Southtown Center, Bloomington) along with a 6 oz. container of Aveda Stress-Fix Soaking Salts, a 3.4 oz. Aveda Stress-Fix Body Crème and a 2.5 fl. oz. Aveda Stress-Fix Crème Cleansing Oil. (Donated by Salon Oriana | 7819 Southtown Center, Bloomington) Estimated Value: $125